Oral surgery is a branch of dentistry that deals with various surgical procedures in the area of the oral cavity. The most important and most common procedures in oral surgery are tooth extraction, whether it is simple extractions, more complicated or alveotomies.
Oral surgery involves all procedures that require cutting or removing / removing tissue or teeth from the oral cavity.
Despite all the advances in modern dentistry, there are still frequent cases of tooth extraction due to advanced periodontitis, deep caries or stubborn periapical inflammatory processes. Also, the most common procedure is wisdom tooth extraction. Due to the evolution of the jaws, people from generation to generation have a tendency to decrease, while the size of the teeth remains the same. This is what leads to a lack of space in the jaw. The mere existence of an unexpired wisdom tooth is not an indication for extraction, but they can very often develop inflammation, and then extraction is the most common therapy.
It should also be emphasized that surgical removal of the wisdom teeth is a completely painless procedure, but postoperative recovery is therefore very individual.
The second most common procedure in oral surgery is apicotomy - removal of the tip of the tooth root.
In the oral cavity, the changes are constant, and require constant repairs to prevent further damage and correct aesthetic and functional irregularities. The reasons for tooth extraction can be different and include a wide range of changes in the oral cavity such as caries, inflammatory diseases or eruption of wisdom teeth that need to be removed. All these changes affect the appearance of the oral cavity and can lead to undesirable consequences for patients.
Price List
Find out more about the prices of oral surgery services in our price list.